Pool Builder
Pool Remodeler
Weekly Pool Service
We do all the work. You have all the fun!
What Our Customers Say About Us
New Pool

New Pool
Get your dream pool at the price you can afford. Transform your backyard into a private paradise, boost property value, and enjoy endless fun!
Pool Remodel

Pool Remodel
If your pool is more that 15 years old, it’s time for a remodel! Remodels can not only help with the efficiency of your current pool but also the property value.
Weekly Pool Service

Weekly Pool Service
Our goal is to remove as much stress as possible for pool owners. Weekly maintenance includes brushing, equipment checks, chemicals, and more!
Pool Equipment Repair

Pool Equipment Repair
Take the confusion out of pool repairs and let us do the fixing. Everything from pumps, lights, and vacuums. We complete repairs within 24 hours.
Top Reasons For A Pool Remodel Or Renovation
Transform your pool into a stunning oasis, improve safety, and extend its life with a pool renovation makeover!
Weekly Pool Cleaning Service With A 15-Point Inspection & Maintenance Plan
Want a New Pool?
Local, Family-Owned Pool Builders
Why suffer through another hot Arizona summer? Stay cool in the pool – with a new Salten Pool!
Get your dream pool at the price you can afford. Transform your backyard into a private paradise, boost property value, and enjoy endless fun!

Pool Financing Options

Offering the Industry’s lowest Fixed Rates for Unsecured Pool Financing
Terms Up to 3 Years
Amounts Up to $200,000

Build or Remodel a Pool and Roll the Costs into Your Mortgage
$5,000 Project Minimum
For Primary or Second Home
Pool Equipment Repair & Upgrades
How much does your old pool equipment cost you?
Your old pool equipment is likely not very energy-efficient, and this could be costing you more and more each year as energy prices continue to increase.
Combine that with added repair costs that come along with servicing an old unit, and the price adds up.
We have the latest energy-saving technology to upgrade your pool equipment!

View Our Portfolio
Explore how Salten Pools has been upgrading the outdoor lifestyles of your Arizona neighbors!

Request a proposal
Get a quote for a new pool or remodel or weekly service or pool repairs!